2 Injured in Erskine Street Rollover Collision [Lubbock, TX]

2 Injured in Erskine Street Rollover Collision [Lubbock, TX]

1 Seriously Injured in Texas Tech Parkway Collision

Lubbock, TX (May 6, 2024) – Two people have been injured following an Erskine Street rollover collision Sunday evening.

It was about 8:30 p.m. when the vehicle crash happened on Texas Tech Parkway.

One of the patients suffered serious injuries while the other incurred moderate injuries.

Officers are investigating.

Meanwhile, these simple steps can help us stay away from road accidents:

Start by inspecting your vehicle’s headlights and turn signals. Ensure the front and rear headlamps are working and visible from a few yards away.

Statistics show that faulty lights cause a significant number of traffic accidents. In fact, according to a recent study, approximately 20% of accidents at night can be attributed to non-functioning or dim headlights. Therefore, regularly inspecting and maintaining your vehicle’s headlights and turn signals is crucial for accident prevention.

Stay focused while on the road. Remove all distractions that could cause accidents, such as mobile phone use and unrestrained toddlers.

Other strategies for staying focused while driving include avoiding multitasking, such as eating or applying makeup and keeping a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you. It’s also important to stay alert and well-rested, as fatigue can impair your ability to concentrate on the road.

Personal injury occurs when a person suffers a physical, emotional, or psychological injury. The term “personal injury” covers a wide range of cases from car accidents, assaults, slip and fall accidents, and injuries from defective products or machinery.

When the involved individual/ suspect fails to meet their duty of care, unexpected and unnecessary personal injuries can occur.

Damages from a personal injury lawsuit range from emotional trauma, physical and mental disability, pain and suffering, disfigurement, bodily injuries, and financial losses.

Hire an experienced personal injury attorney from Sweet Lawyers if you or anyone you love has incurred any injury from a traffic accident.

You can call us at (800) 674-7852. You may also reach us through our website. We have live agents who can assist you with any legal questions.

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