What to Do After a Head-on Car Accident

head on car accident

Just witnessing a head-on collision is scary. Being involved in one is a terrifying and traumatic event.

This type of accident is especially dangerous for drivers and passengers. It often causes significant property damage and devastating injury or death.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a head-on car accident, you may be facing significant challenges. These may include mounting medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and a long recovery ahead.

Accident victims often wonder what to do and how to move forward at such a trying time. If you’re facing these challenges, we can help!

Here’s what you should do after a head-on collision in Phoenix.

Factors that Contribute to Head-On Collisions

The impact and force of head-on accidents affect the front end of both vehicles involved. There are no minor head-on crashes. 

Even at a low speed of 20 to 30 mph, serious injuries can occur. The power exerted by two moving vehicles is extreme and a recipe for disaster.

Head-on collisions can happen anywhere, but they are more common in rural areas. These roads are often dark and winding without center dividers.

The causes of head-on collisions are often the same on rural and urban roads. Although today’s cars are safer than they used to be, many head-on collisions result in catastrophic injury or death.

Some common causes include:

  • Distracted driver
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Fatigued driving
  • Improper passing
  • Reckless behavior in low visibility or bad weather conditions

Other factors contributing to head-on collisions include:


One factor that can determine the intensity level of a head-on accident is the speed the vehicles are traveling at impact. The higher the speed, the greater the chances of extensive damage and severe injuries.

Size of the Vehicles 

On most U.S. roads, you will see small vehicles, work trucks, shipping trucks, and more sharing the road. In the event of a collision, the disparity in the weight and size of the vehicle can result in more serious injuries to the occupants of the smaller vehicle.

Airbag Deployment

Airbags can protect you and reduce the chance of fatality in the event of a head-on accident. These are the types of accidents airbags were created for.

They may save your life, but they often cause injury upon deployment.  Injuries to the face, head, spine, and neck are common when airbags deploy.  

Road Conditions

Driver error is the number one cause of head-on collisions. However, road conditions can be a key factor in these types of accidents as well.

Wet or icy conditions can lead to vehicles veering into another lane. Dangerous road conditions may lead to a head-on collision or rollover event.

Seat Belt Use

Wearing a seat belt can save your life in a car accident, including a head-on car accident. Accident victims who fail to wear a seat belt can be thrown into the windshield or ejected from the vehicle.

Seat belts can cause injuries too. Internal injuries are possible due to pressure caused by a seat belt holding the body back. 

Common Head-On Collision Injuries

These types of accidents are often at high speed. The sheer force on the human body during a head-on collision can lead to devastating injuries or death. 

Even at low speeds, head-on car accident injuries are often more serious than in other types of car accidents.

Some common injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to sudden impact 
  • Fractured or broken sternum, collarbone, or ribs
  • Trauma of the lower extremities
  • Internal injuries such as punctured or collapsed lungs or organ damage
  • Spinal injuries
  • Torn muscles
  • Severe lacerations or permanent scarring
  • Burns
  • Loss of limb
  • Paralysis
  • Mental anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Crush injuries

What Should You Do After a Head-On Car Accident?

After any car accident, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. This is important, even if you think you don’t have any injuries or feel your injuries are minor.

The trauma and shock of an accident can be deceiving. You may not realize the extent of your injuries right away.

It can sometimes be hours, days, or even weeks before injury symptoms begin. For this reason, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible following a head-on collision.

This is important for your health and any potential car accident injury case in the future. Be sure to keep your medical bills, medical records, test results, and other important documentation. 

It’s in your best interest to contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible following a head-on car accident.

Liability in a Head-On Car Crash

The extreme impact of head-on crashes can lead to vehicles moving in unexpected ways or directions after impact. Vehicles may travel a significant distance in these types of accidents.

The chaotic scene of a serious crash and the rush to help the victims in the moments after a crash contributes to the difficulty in determining liability. In head-on collision cases, the more evidence you have of the crash, the better for your claim.

Witness statements, photos, videos, recreations, and expert testimony can all be used to determine liability in a head-on collision case.

The Insurance Company

Insurance companies are often quick to determine who’s at fault without considering all the evidence in a car accident case. Insurance companies want to resolve claims as quickly as possible at a minimum cost.

A personal injury lawyer can help protect your rights and negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company. Head-on car accident cases are often complex and highly technical.

Most personal injury cases end in a settlement. In most cases, settlements are more substantial than the initial offer from the insurance company.

Before you accept a quick settlement, talk to a car accident lawyer about the details of your particular case. A skilled personal injury attorney will keep your best interests in mind and work diligently to get the compensation you deserve.

Damages in a Head-On Crash

A head-on collision can lead to severe injuries and can affect your health, finances, and quality of life. These types of accidents can lead to serious losses.

You want a car accident lawyer who has the knowledge to seek the compensation you need. Your recovery from a head-on car accident isn’t limited to medical bills and financial losses.

Losses that may occur include: 

  • Medical care expenses
  • Pain and suffering due to the accident
  • Lost wages if you’re unable to work
  • Possible long-term medical needs
  • Property damage, including your vehicle
  • The emotional impact and expense of a loved one’s wrongful death

Why Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

It’s a good idea to consult a car accident lawyer as soon as possible following a serious car crash. Head-on crash cases are complicated.

These cases require the negotiation skills of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. A skilled personal injury lawyer can handle the details of your case while you focus on recovery.

There’s too much at stake to try to handle your case on your own. You don’t want to attempt to negotiate with at-fault parties and insurance companies while you’re recovering from your injuries.

Hiring a car accident lawyer may help you save time and receive compensation quickly. Unfortunately, not every accident victim is able to reach out to an attorney following their accident.

If the accident victim is currently incapacitated, a loved one can reach out on their behalf to discuss possible legal options.

What If You Lose Your Loved One in a Head-On Collision?

Losing a loved one in a tragic way is devastating for the family. A serious car accident can result in significant losses for the family as well.

At such a tragic time, it’s important to seek legal advice rather than accept a quick settlement. You may be able to receive compensation for your loved one’s medical expenses, burial, funeral, and more.

Speak to a personal injury lawyer to determine the possible compensation you could recover.

Hire the Best Car Accident Lawyer

Head-on car accident injuries can be devastating. And these claims can be highly technical and complicated.

They require a thorough understanding of personal injury law and state law. You must be able to argue what happened and who was at fault to determine liability.

Don’t try to go it alone. As you recover from your injuries, leave the details to an experienced car accident lawyer.

At Sweet Law, we understand the suffering and devastation a head-on collision can bring. We have handled thousands of Phoenix car accident cases and have a 98% success rate. And we’d love to talk to you about your case.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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