What is a Car Accident Checklist, and Why You Need One?

car accident checklist

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, an attorney can help you get the compensation you need to heal. Yet, it’s important to gather the right information before meeting with your legal team. While these experts are skilled at uncovering all of the details surrounding an accident, your version of events is critical. As more time passes, it can be difficult to recall exactly what led to the crash, or the specifics surrounding it. Today, we’re sharing a car accident checklist to help you understand the exact steps to follow immediately after your collision. 

Why Prepare a Car Accident Checklist? 

A car accident checklist covers everything you need to do, say, and record in the moments following an accident. If you proceed without caution, you could cause further injury and property damage. In addition, you also risk saying or doing something that could impede your legal case down the road. 

When you’re prepared ahead of time, you’ll know what to do if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate position. Let’s take a look at what the checklist includes. 

Step 1: Check Your Conditions

Wondering what to do after a car accident? Your first step should be to assess the physical condition and immediate safety of yourself, your passengers, and the other driver. 

If your vehicle is near traffic, check to see if it’s still driveable. If so, move it away from traffic and turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers. If it’s safe to exit your vehicle once you move it, do so. 

Step 2: Contact Emergency Support

Even if the accident was minor, you should still call 911 for emergency support to alert the police of the accident. During the call, answer all of the questions asked, but avoid placing blame or assuming that someone is not injured. If your injuries are severe or life-threatening, you may require emergency medical services at this time. 

If you accept fault, the other driver could use that admission against you in a future lawsuit. Even if you think your actions did cause the accident, it’s best to avoid any type of discussion around why or how you think the crash occurred. 

The details you provide will help law enforcement personnel file an official police report about your accident. When the police arrive on the scene, request their names and badge numbers, as well as information on how to obtain a copy of the report. This document includes valuable car accident evidence that your lawyer will need. 

Step 3: Take Photos and Videos

While the police are examining the scene of the accident, you can take your own photos and videos. Try to capture the extent of any injuries or damages that occurred. If you’re using a smartphone to record this evidence, make sure it will create a unique timestamp for each file. 

Take photos from multiple angles to show exactly what happened and where the impact occurred. If you can, get shots of the exteriors and interiors of all vehicles. It also helps to take images of the surrounding area, such as local signs, landmarks, and traffic lights.

Look for signs of the collision, including tire marks in the grass or on the road, and take pictures of those spots as well. If you experienced any type of bruise, cut, burn, or swelling, fully document those injuries. 

Step 4: Exchange Information

Before the other driver leaves the scene, be sure to get their information. This includes gathering the following details:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number 
  • Insurance information 
  • Driver’s license number 
  • Vehicle make/model
  • License plate number 

When you’re taking down this data, look for any witnesses who are around and saw what happened. If they’re willing, ask if they would share their contact information. Your lawyer can reach out to them later to understand their version of events, and how they align with yours. 

Step 5: Receive Medical Care

Even if your injuries were not life-threatening, you should still seek medical care once you leave the scene of an accident. Some soft-tissue injuries do not manifest until a few days after impact. 

Request copies of your medical records, and keep diligent notes on every appointment you make, the physician you see, and the treatment you receive. This includes the names of any medications you’re prescribed or physical therapy sessions you attend. You should also document any days that you had to miss work due to your injuries. 

If you visited the emergency room immediately after the accident, make sure to attend all of the follow-up visits your doctor recommends. If the accident affected your emotional or mental health, document any therapy or counseling sessions you attend. 

Step 6: Contact Your Insurance Company

As soon as possible after a car accident, contact your insurance company and let them know what happened. If you decide to file a claim with your insurer or the other driver’s insurer, avoid accepting the first offer you receive. 

Often, these offers are much lower than what you deserve. That’s why it’s best to hire a car accident lawyer to take care of this process for you. They’re used to dealing with insurance agencies and will be able to gauge if an offer is appropriate or not.

If it isn’t, they’ll know how to fight for more money and get you the payout you deserve. Your lawyer will advise you to avoid making any type of recorded statement to an insurance representative without their guidance so you don’t incriminate yourself. 

Step 7: Find a Car Accident Lawyer

It’s important to contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your collision. This legal expert can walk you through the entire claims process and tell you what to expect at each stage. They’ll also make sure you file the right paperwork by the right time to meet your state’s statute of limitations.

They will be on hand to answer your questions, gather details, and fight on your behalf. Most of the time, your lawyer won’t get paid unless you do, making this one of the smartest investments you can make. 

Contact an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney 

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, we’re here to help. We know these next steps can be stressful, and we’re here to relieve that burden so you can focus on healing. 

We’ll guide you through every step on this car accident checklist, and make sure you gather the right information at every turn. When you’re ready, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. 

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