Heavy Rain and Floods in California – What to Watch Out For

Despite its reputation for clear skies and beautiful weather year round, the West Coast can fall victim to heavy rain and floods in California. Because rainfall is more rare in this area, unexpected heavy rain can lead to major floods and mudslides. These situations create dangerous conditions for residents and anyone on the road.
Depending on your geographical location, heavy rain and floods in California increase your risk of crashing while driving on the road. The US Department of Transportation states that 21% of crashes are weather related, causing 418,000 injuries and 5,000 deaths.
Remember that changes in weather require adjustments in your driving habits. Try your best to drive with extra caution and stay off the road until the weather clears if possible.
However, this is not always an option. Continue reading to learn more about driving in poor weather conditions.

Things to Consider When Driving in Heavy Rain and Floods in California

Weather can greatly interfere with a driver’s ability to properly calculate safe driving conditions. Consider the following tips to help you and your family avoid accidents while driving in heavy rain and floods in California:

Slow Down

In rainy weather, it is always recommended to drive a few miles below the posted speed limit. The faster you drive on wet roads, the more likely you will hydroplane and lose control of your vehicle

Brake Slowly

Gently apply the breaks as slowly as possible. This will allow to keep a safe distance from vehicles ahead of you without hydroplaning and potentially crashing. Braking slower alerts other drivers of your intention to come to a stop and avoid rear-end crashes.

Turn on the Defroster

Your windshield will fog fairly quickly during heavy rain. Turn on the front and rear defrosters for clear visibility for traffic ahead and behind you.

Keep a Safe Distance

Allow extra space between you and other cars around you. If there is a probability of a vehicle hydroplaning near you, you will have ample distance to take safety measures to avoid a crash.

Turn on Headlights

Rainy weather usually comes with gloomy dark skies. Turn on your headlights so it may allow you to see the road clearly, but it also helps other drivers to see you.

Reduce Hydroplaning

When you start to skid, ease your foot off the gas, steer the vehicle towards a safe direction and brake carefully. Applying the brakes harshly or steering the wheel forcefully, may cause you to lose control, hurt yourself and others surrounding you.

Add Extra Time for Travel

Rainfall usually creates congested highways, detours, and accidents, leaving unprepared drivers rushing to their destination in dangerous conditions. Rushing to get to your location presents you and other drivers at risk for an accident. Add extra time to your commute and leave your home earlier than usual to make sure you are prepared for the expected traffic delays.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents due to bad weather conditions can result in serious or fatal injuries. If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, contact the competent lawyers at Sweet Law Group.
With our experienced and skilled professionals leading the way, you will greatly improve your chances for receiving the justice and compensation you deserve.
Let us help you through this difficult process. Call our offices today for a free, no-obligation consultation at (800) 203-3061.


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