1 Critical in Hit-And-Run Crash on East First Street [Cloverdale, CA]

1 Critical in Hit-And-Run Crash on East First Street [Cloverdale, CA]
1 Critical in Hit-And-Run Crash on East First Street [Cloverdale, CA]

Pedestrian Critical after Hit-And-Run Crash on East First Street in Cloverdale

Cloverdale, CA (April 10, 2023) – On Sunday, a pedestrian sustained critical injuries in a crash on the 400 clock of East First Street.

The hit-and-run crash on East First Street happened on April 10.

Cloverdale Police said the driver hit the pedestrian on the 400 clock of East First Street while the pedestrian was walking on the shoulder.

EMS rushed the victim to a hospital in critical condition.

The suspect car was described as a white Toyota Corolla with custom red accents along the lower sides and around the wheel wells. 

Moreover, a piece of the suspect car fell off at the scene. It is a black plastic bumper grille with two decorative heart-shaped hand straps–one black and one red–that hang below the bottom edge of the front bumper.

It is unknown whether the car has other damage besides missing the bumper grille.

Please contact the Cloverdale Police Department if you have any information regarding this incident, contact investigating Officer Damian Eglesfield at (707) 894-2150 or [email protected].

Hit-and-run accidents can be particularly traumatic and devastating for victims and their families. These types of accidents occur when a driver hits a pedestrian, cyclist, or other vehicle and then flees off the scene without stopping to provide assistance or exchange information. Hit-and-run accidents can cause serious injuries or even death, and victims and their families may struggle with physical, emotional, and financial consequences.


Suppose you or a family member is involved in a similar incident. In that case, the next best thing to do is hire a personal injury lawyer to protect your rights. Many of these types of accidents resulted in the other party’s negligence, and if so, you have the right to pursue a personal injury claim.


Reckless driving has become more common with excess available distractions, such as phones and other smart devices. In recent years, many initiatives have been formed to fight the increase in traffic accidents the state sees annually. 

However, around 20-50 million people are injured or become disabled due to an auto crash each year. It is, therefore, important to know how to proceed if you are involved in a similar traffic collision.

Moreover, if you find yourself unable to operate your vehicle safely, you can always use a rideshare app instead.

If you are troubled in a similar hit-and-run crash on East First Street in Cloverdale and suffered injuries, please call our offices immediately at (800) 674-7852. This way, we can start pursuing your compensation claim while you focus on getting better. The aftermath of an accident can be a stressful and time-consuming process. Moreover, the damages that are caused during an accident may change the lives of those involved for a long time. That is why having a personal injury lawyer will be a step in the right direction toward recovery.

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