Davis Mwangi Arrested in DUI Collision on North Washington Street [Spokane, WA]

Davis Mwangi Arrested in DUI Collision on North Washington Street [Spokane, WA]

2 People Seriously Hurt in DUI Crash on West Main Avenue

Spokane, WA (April 11, 2023) On Monday morning, 22-year-old Davis Mwangi was arrested after a DUI collision on North Washington Street.

Authorities say that the DUI crash happened around midnight near the intersection with West Main Avenue.

Reports say that Mwangi was on a 2006 Dodge Durango, that is going north on North Washington Street at high speed. Consequently, the Dodge struck an eastbound Ford Taurus.

The impact of the collision left 2 occupants of the Ford with severe injuries, including internal bleeding and a punctured lung.

Spokane police found Mwangi sitting on a set of stairs near the crash site. After submitting to a breath test and had a blood alcohol concentration of .185. Police arrested Davis Mwangi on two counts of vehicular assault and one count of driving under the influence.


In today’s day and age, there is hardly an excuse for driving under the influence. There are plenty of alternatives, such as using a rideshare app, or making a non-drinking friend a designated driver.

Traffic safety continues to be a life-and-death matter, yet reckless driving has not declined. One person is killed in a vehicle accident every couple of hours.

The growth of ride-share services nationwide makes DUI driving all the more unacceptable.

Moreover, sharing the road is a shared responsibility. It is important to keep an eye out for those who are on the road with you.

Let us do our share to prevent traffic mishaps like the DUI collision on North Washington Street.


Your safety on the road is never guaranteed; however, knowledge is a powerful tool. Indeed, in uncertain times such as these, you may want to speak to a professional in case of an accident.

Knowing what steps to take following the DUI collision on North Washington Street can mean the difference between financial prosperity and financial disparity. The consequences of a severe accident can follow you for months, even years, if you don’t have your legal doubts cleared by an expert.

It is good to know that the aftershock of an accident is not something to be dealt with alone. The burden is meant to be shared; preferably, with a community that knows how to handle the effects.

Sweet Lawyerspersonal injury attorneys will find the most favorable possible outcome for our clients. We will achieve the justice and compensation you and your family deserve.

Call us at (800) 674 7852. Similarly, you may also click this link to consult with our legal professionals.

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